Even though we don’t mean to sabotage our health and fitness efforts, there are times we find that when the chips are down, it becomes apparent that you are your only limit…

This is sad but true because, in my experience, we do limit ourselves daily, and ultimately it feels like we are moving through life with the handbrake on!

A vast majority of us wait until something happens to us before we take action. Things such as falling sick, getting injured or find ourselves in a very uncomfortable or humiliating position before we realise that our health is the very foundation of a happy and fulfilled existence.

In short, we are reactive in nature.

Ignoring our feelings is the norm. More and more of us are eating our feelings or numbing them with drugs and alcohol.

How much pain do you need to feel to take responsibility and make a change that prevails long enough, to provide meaningful, lasting results?

doctor in consultation with female patient

Would you have to be admitted to hospital? Perhaps something as shocking as having the doctor tell you that you have a life-threatening illness is the catalyst for you to take action?

Or maybe to lose a chance at your dream job… or worse? Would that be enough pain for you?

It sounds harsh, I know. But most of the time, isn’t this true?

The effort you put in is directly proportionate to the results you get.


It’s my birthday

It’s my Mum’s birthday.

It’s my partner’s birthday.

It’s my anniversary.

I have to work late.

It’s Christmas.

It’s Easter.

But chocolate HobNobs are my favourite.

I’m tired.

I had a big weekend.

Everyone else was having it.

I’m tired.

Before you know it, you are only left with about 5 days per month where you have good days.

How about making a stand, right now to start loving yourself enough to take responsibility for your health?

How about feeling your feelings and dealing with them instead of eating them, drinking them and blaming them on someone or something else?

You are precious, and you should treat yourself so.

/women with stressful on the table


My job is stressful.

My kids are stressing me out.

My husband/wife won’t help me.

This may be true, but my question is, what are you doing about it? Are YOU doing anything about it?

External circumstances and people are just that. The only person you have control over is you.

We are all entitled to off days and expect that you will get them.

We all do.

Just keep it in check. If you are having more bad days than good, it’s time to ask yourself some questions and seek solutions or help if you can’t figure it out on your own.


It hurts a little to admit sometimes that we have a problem or that we need help. We feel like we should be able to handle it and that we are surely the only people in the world, who have experienced this situation in this way.

Sometimes our pride, our ego, gets in the way of where we actually need to be.

Contrary to the belief of the ego, our greatest strength is in opening up and let ourselves be vulnerable.

How else can we let the solutions in, if we can’t be open about our issues and that we need help?

I’m not giving up wine… or chocolate…

That’s fine. Our clients at ADC will attest that they haven’t had to give anything – check out John’s testimonial here.

But please remember that if you don’t give up wine, you will get, “I’m not giving up wine” results.

It’s not to say that you can’t enjoy the things you love in moderation.

But do remember the ‘moderation’ part. And do remember that if you don’t burn it off, you’ll be storing it and getting nowhere fast with your health kick.

Starting up, exercise does not mean you can now justify feeding yourself more of the rubbish that got you to the point of dissatisfaction and or poor health.

two young tourists with map and camera

Where do I start?

  1. Admit you have a problem.
  2. Ask yourself why it’s important for you to find a solution. Figuring out why this is important to you is paramount to your success. You need a strong driver to push you out of your comfort zone (or to stretch it at the very least!)
  3. Formulate a plan. What, where, when, how, who? Confide in someone you trust and seek out professional help if required.
  4. Focused, purposeful, action. Get the help you need and then do the work. Now. No-one can do it for you! Take personal responsibility for your results.
  5. NEVER GIVE UP. Remember, “Progress not Perfection”. You are allowed to have off days. You are allowed to have a meltdown. Sometimes other things do take precedence. Listen and trust yourself and know what it is as much as what isn’t. The truth is, the more you put you on your priority list, the more you will have to give back to others when you are healthy, vibrant and overflowing with good vibes.

It’s time to make a change, not excuses! Find out how you can make a change for yourself today. Don’t let another day go by wishing, hoping or excusing yourself without taking action.

If you are ready to ramp up things, turning your focus to your health and making 2018 YOUR year, then let us know by completing the form below to arrange a convenient time to chat with one of our team or call Chris and the team on 0203 086 9345 or CLICK HERE.

For more information about our fitness programs in north London please click here.

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